fine art affiliates

It takes the touch of an artist to create a new space for today, or to preserve a traditional space. After years of working with clients who are art collectors, we design for the display of art, and are actively involved in promoting new artistic talent. We owned and operated a gallery for years, becoming part of a large network of artists and gallery owners in the United States. We have significant experience presenting many types of artist expressions,from paintings and sculptures to performance art venues. Years of owning galleries has provided extensive knowledge about lighting, hanging and coordination issues and has taught us why architecture has historically been known as the "mother of all the arts". Our desire is to create enlightening environments through the integration of art and architecture. We offer these contacts and experience to our clients.

gale fulton ross, shadow, oil on paper, 60" x 48", 1999

sterling arts
  graphic & web design
   neon art sculptures

will sherwood, wave (detail),
electronic glass sculpture (xenon, argon, & phosphors), 1996

AT Inc. - architects
a r c h i t e c t u r a l    t e c h n o l o g y

sterling • massachusetts USA 01564
1+ 978.549.1406

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